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2021 Teknos Writing Competition


Teknos (TJHSST Science Journal) is excited to host a writing competition for science writing! You may write an article to explore any topic you’re curious or passionate about; however, it MUST be related to STEM. There are no divisions for our contest (unlike last year), with TBD prizes and website features for the top 5 articles overall. Enjoy!


Word limit: 500-2000 words

We want: a science article (to inform, not persuade, no opinionated pieces)

Contest Start Date: July 7, 2021 Submission Deadline: August 8, 2021 Results Released: August 28, 2021

What are we looking for?

  • Scientific relevance/value

  • Clarity of explanation

    • Any images/figures used to help explain parts of your article will be assessed with clarity in mind

  • Grammar/flow

  • Reader engagement (important!)

  • Quality of sources

    • cited in APA format but with brackets like in exemplars shown below

Exemplars (2020 Winners)

Division 1 (Underclassmen):

Division 2 (Upperclassmen):


All articles will be judged by the Teknos leadership team using a rubric with the above criteria. The top 5 articles may be featured on the Teknos website (or in our 2021 journal depending on quality), and be granted possible monetary prizes.

Submit Here!

Deadline August 8, 2021: Good luck!


If you have any questions, feel free to email teknos.tjhsst@gmail.com