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Welcome to the website for Teknos, Thomas Jefferson's Science Journal, showcasing student articles, papers, and editorials. Enjoy!

Submit to Volume 33 of Teknos!

Submit to Volume 33 of Teknos!


Have you conducted scientific research or written articles that you would like to see published and shared with the TJ community? Consider submitting to this year’s volume of Teknos! Teknos is TJ’s annual science publication that showcases the incredible STEM research and writing carried out by our students. The journal accepts two types of submissions: papers — longer works detailing experiments — and articles — shorter pieces that discuss a scientific topic. Papers require research to be completed (i.e. no proposals), but articles are open-ended (anyone can write them!). Our guidelines for submission as well as the form to submit are attached below. The deadline for submissions is February 20, 2024, and we’ll get back to you regarding the status of your piece by mid-February. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Anjali Maddipatla, Liya Huang, or Kinnari Chaubal through Messenger or email teknos.tjhsst@gmail.com with any questions, and we truly hope you’ll consider submitting!

Submit Here: https://forms.gle/Fv9ypS4ezaesBDBA7

Submission Guidelines: https://tinyurl.com/2024TeknosSubmissionGuidelines

Consent to Publish Form: https://tinyurl.com/2024TeknosConsentForm





If you have any questions, feel free to email teknos.tjhsst@gmail.com.

Threshold and Teknos Science Poetry Contest

Threshold and Teknos Science Poetry Contest

TiRobot Debuts in the Orthopedic OR

TiRobot Debuts in the Orthopedic OR